Pre-Ides: October 2023

Send 27th October 2023

A free short story, just for you!

Beware the Ides of April is a science fiction detective mystery exclusively for Picklesverse subscribers.

Click below to claim your copy!

Dear Picklesversians,

In my last message, I mentioned that I was plotting (and scheming) some “super extra special exclusive content just for subscribers to the Picklesverse community!”

Well… here it is!

I really enjoyed writing Beware the Ides of April. It’s set a few months before the start of my prize-winning work-in-progress novel and it introduces you to the main characters and the world they live in. 

(I also told you that the special content wouldn’t involve pirates. I regret to inform you that this statement turned out to be only approximately 93% true.)

To whet your appetite, here’s the story’s opening paragraph:

“Ben had no trouble spotting unusual patterns in his data, but making sense of them was up to the Head of Awkward Questions. Charlotte Vance went wherever Ben needed boots on the ground. Tonight, that was a kelp processing facility at sunset. It was weird, even for her line of work…”

I’d love to hear what you think of the story. If you enjoy it, please pass on my website sign up link below to anyone else you know who might enjoy it. 

As always, thanks for all your support!

Marianne 🥒🥒