Pre-Ides: August 2023

Sent 9th August 2023

A medieval French village

Dear Picklesversians,

A couple of weeks ago, I put on shoes and dared to go out into the Real World. Or near enough: I went to France.* I didn’t walk there from the UK, you understand, but I needed the shoes for boarding the plane as I travelled with Ryanair and I didn’t pay the £50 upgrade charge for a clean seat.

Being on holiday meant I read a lot. When I’m not on holiday, I mostly just buy books and vividly imagine reading them. I am what is medically described as a Book Dragon. Think Smaug, but inkier and less prone to spitting fire (because paper, obviously). 

From the comfort of my holiday hammock, I basked in the sun and I read. It’s amazing how quickly the pages disappear when you have time to give them the attention they deserve. It made me remember how much I love reading. 

Isn’t it weird how black and white shapes on a page can transport you to another place and time, and into another person’s shoes (which they may or may not have recently worn on a budget airline)?

So, this episode of the Picklesverse is dedicated to books. They deserve the attention. 


A French town on a mountainside

* The holiday snaps provided above may lead the observant among you to conclude that I didn’t really go to France, but to an immersive reconstruction of the Blood and Wine expansion for The Witcher 3 video game. I will confirm or deny this on receipt of permit A38.**

** If this reference means nothing to you, go and play The Witcher 3. After about 150 hours, it will all become clear.

Sci-fi recommendation

🤖 Autonomous by Annalee Newitz (2017)

Set in 2144 on Earth. An anti-patent drug pirate questions her life choices as she flees a hired assassin and his robot partner. As good as it sounds!

Crime recommendation

👿 Devil in a Blue Dress by Walter Mosley (1990)

Set in 1948 in Los Angeles. Easy Rawlins is a black private detective looking for a missing white woman who isn’t all she appears. A proper hardboiled mystery.

Your recommendation

📚 Have you read any good books lately? 

Hit reply and send me your recommendations!

I’ll buy them. I might even read them… 🐲