Pre-Ides: April 2023

Sent 2nd April 2023

A one-minute video, just for you!

Picklesverse: Episode 1 – Thank you!

Dear Picklesversians,

Thank you so much for joining the Picklesverse. There’s not enough time in the day to experience all the interesting stuff that exists in the world, so the fact that you’ve given me a small piece of your valuable attention means a lot to me. Rest assured, you’re going to get the VIP treatment!

I’m keen to make the community an interactive experience, so in this month’s video, I’m inviting you to ask me any questions you have about my novel, research, process, or anything else you’re curious about. Feel free to check out my website for inspiration. I’ll answer as many of your questions as I can in Episode 2.

Hope you enjoy this month’s instalment. Can’t wait to hear from you!


🤞 Through to the finals…
Some good news: I recently entered my novel into a competition and it turns out I got through to the final round! I have to submit more chapters in June so I’ll be busy polishing those over the next few weeks. Keep your fingers crossed for me!