Pre-Ides: June 2023

Sent 19th June 2023

⏳ It’s about time

While doing research for my novel, I read The Order of Time by physicist Carlo Rovelli. What’s happening now on Pluto?

Read the article to find out.


⏰ In my novel, there’s a technology that lets people add more hours into their days.

If you could use it, what would you do with the extra time? Hit reply and let me know! 


🤞 In March, I got through to the final round of a novel writing competition. I’ve just submitted new chapters for the next stage. Cross your fingers for me. The winner will be announced in September.

Sci-fi recommendations

📚 Invisible Things by Mat Johnson. A Europa-based allegory with a divisive ending!

📺 For All Mankind. What if the Russians had landed on the Moon first? 

Dear Picklesversians,

Do you have time to read this? 

‘Having time’ is an intriguing concept. We don’t ‘have’ time the way we have other things. If you have money, you can keep it in a bank (piggy or otherwise). If you have ice cream, you can store it in the freezer (though not for very long in my experience). Time is a different sort of thing.

So what is time?

It’s weird, that’s for sure. It flies, without collecting air miles. 

We sometimes look for ways to kill it (but the incorporeal are notoriously unaffected by non-magical attacks so we resort to weapons like doom scrolling or tapping at Candy Crush to bludgeon it into submission).

Then, when we’ve had enough of trying to kill time, we change gears and try to save it. Just to keep it on its toes.

Anyone who’s seen the trailer for the new Babylon 5 movie will know you can become unstuck in time (remember to visit Zathras for your annual Time Stabiliser MOT).

And time is not consistent throughout the universe. In my latest article, I discuss that concept, which is possibly the strangest thing I’ve learned about time. Check it out if you want to know what’s happening now on Centauri Prime!

In other news, thanks for all the wonderful questions you sent me after my last email. I’ve chosen three of them to answer this time, which you’ll find if you follow the video link below.

I hope all’s well in your own personal universes and that you can make time for the things that bring you joy.


Your questions answered